Tuesday, January 29, 2008
This post shall have a lot of effs cuz i feel so effing pissed today.On the way to that effing OBS today. Don ask why cuz it's too complicated to explain. So ya went with the badminton girls and huiquan. 9 of us altogether. Left school at around 9am in Mr Tong's and Mr Lee's cars, so obviously the group was split up. Reached the jetty at 9.15am, but the effing boat was so effing late everyone was losing their patience. Eventually the boat arrived at about 9.40am. I felt really excited at that time cuz i missed all my friends.
Who knew when we reached that effed up island i had to wait outside the effing medical centre to wait for a final say on whether i could go for that effing course. Huiquan was there too but he was in the clear and i was not... She effing made it sound as if i was very pitiful and then brought me to wait outside this effed up office for the 11am ferry while she went to settle some admin stuff. I felt effing mad cuz i have been waiting for this day and in the end, i still cant go for it. And if they wanted to tell me that i could not go, did they have to do it when i have already packed my bag and was there all ready for anything? No right! They could have just called me to tell me that. This effing trip there wasted my effing time.
I also kept telling them that i could participate because i have already fully recovered, but they still said that i could not. Like hello? Who's body issit? Mine or yours? I effing swear i could just slam that woman in her effing **** for saying that. They think im not sensible enough, and that i would stress myself and end up falling even more ill. Im not that dumb. I know my own limits to not stress my body till the end. They should not think im effing 5 years old just because of my height. In the end, i just went home effingly dejected in this other effing ferry.
Other stuff that happened i shall not mention cuz its effing stupid. And if anyone*especially fengye* dares to rub into my face about the effing fun times you had at camp, i swear i will use my effing foot to kick your effing **** till you turn black in the face.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Im sick! Apparently it seems that Ms Yee spread her flu germs to me during choir practice yesterday.Hardly slept last night. Felt terrible and really cold. At least now im feeling much better after some medication although i have lost my voice. My mum asked me why of all times i had to fall ill today of all the other 364 days this year, especially when OBS is on this coming monday. Now i just hope that i can go because i was really looking forward to it. It's a once in a lifetime experience. Well, i guess i just gotta pray hard and hope that this is not one of God's nasty tricks to teach me some lesson!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Went to the edusave scholarship yesterday. It was held in Xinmin Sec. The place was damn crowded lol. My seat number was 262 which was like damn back. Saw russell in the hall too. Sooner or later also saw dorothy, annabel, wantian, ian and some other hihs people.They started off with some dance performance. The children one was quite cute. It looked as though they were dancing para para or something. But the Yuying one was hilarious. I almost laughed but couldnt because its rude. *see im so guai* They were dancing like some robot thingy and wearing sunglasses. And the music was so deafening that seriously, i almost lost my hearing.
Then the MP came and all rise and clap and yada yada yada... His speech was seriously out of point. First he talked about Singapore's economy and all that political lingo came out. Then he also talked about lift upgrading and meet-the-people sessions on monday evenings instead of wednesday evenings. I was wondering if the speech was meant for us or to promote himself even more. Finally after 15 staggering minutes he was done, and then he started talking the same speech... IN CHINESE!! I was like"what the heck!" He just went on forever and ever like nobody's business. I was looking the other hihs people for their expressions. They all looked so bored. In that whole chunk of words, the only part that appealed to us was, "once again i wouold like to give my heartfelt congratulations to all the award recipients." That was the end of it all. Everyone clapped really loudly. I think they are glad that he's finally finished.
But the worst was still to come. When they started announcing the names, they started from 001... 002... 003... I was thinking"oh no my number so far away!" It was really a test of your patience. Fortunately i managed to pull through by smsing annabel. And the way they announced the names was damn low-class. Oral is a sure failure, especially for the lady announcer. Her voice was shrieking, freaking and reeking. Extra loud and very ear piercing. She doesnt say "zero" but "jeero", so it was like "jeero jeero one". I mean, what's her prob? If she cant speak properly then might as well not get her to be emcee. She pronounced "ian jian qiang de silva" as "jen jen jeng da silva". It was so lol!*no offence man* So stupid the MP thought that my name is Shuyi instead of Samantha! All thanks to that auntie!!>< color="#000000">HIGHLY TOXIC iodone gas by accident. I mean, we all have to breathe right? Cuz after that i felt kinda dizzy, like how vivienne and i felt when we got home from the 2dil'07 class chalet. Got back the E maths test results today. I would like to say that... WAAA I LOST 6 MARKS CUZ OF CARELESS!!!! If i wasnt so careless i would've gotten a perfect 20/20... Tomorrow there's a stupid physics test. Still don understand that so sucky subject. Geography was funny. Mr Koh seemed to be more interested in the rivers than any of us were. Every slide had some river pictures. Everytime he changed slides, he would be all wide-eyed... Haha i was laughing throughout the lesson, which made time fly even though the lesson was quite boring.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
AHHHHHH!!!Went to cut my hair today. Now its like shoulder length and at least 2/3 of my ponytail is gone! It's as short as the box where you write posts for your blog. If i'd known it would be like this i would have cut tomorrow, after the edusave scholarship thingy. And i also need pins for my hair, otherwise I would look like some maniac chasing people~ And with what Mr Anba said about attire and stuff... This sucks.
But i gotta look on the bright side. At least i feel cooler and my head feels lighter. Take note im not saying that im an airhead. REPEAT, IM NOT AN AIRHEAD! Lol if you wanna see my new hair just come look for me. Dont come cuz you wanna say that im an airhead and wanna take pics and upload it to fs or anywhere else.
So sian next week having 4 tests: biology, physics, A maths and english compo. I know i'll pass the compo and the bio, but im not that sure about the physics and A maths. Hate it lots... Many tests next week because our teachers knows that by the time we come back from OBS we would have forgotten the bulk of the lessons, and then they will have to start from square 1 again and all the tests will be pushed and we'll miss the syllabus and all that nonsense blah blah blah... Yea somehow i agree with them.
Annabel thinks of starting a class forum. I support her and im also gonna help. But she says that we have to ask teacher first. Fine by me!^^
I think im getting used to 3hum'08. They're not that bad or haolian after all... i think. But i'll still miss my old classmates in other classes though. It's something in my mind that's irreplaceable. I feel like some traitor because occasionally i will forget how to spell "diligence", and that suck too... rocking like no other.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
It's thursday, which means that today was supposed to be journal writing. Sian lo... But who knew, there was a retiring ceremony for one of the teachers. His name is Mr Pang. I don't know him, just know that he is really tall. Haha jk.After the ceremony it was back to the old boring lesson again... First lesson was A Maths. The way Mrs Nathan teaches seems to make me hate maths more and more. I have never not understood maths... until now in Sec3. Tomorrow there's a E Maths test on indices. Hope I don't fail it.
Next lesson was Physics. Damn sian. I also have no idea what Mr Chang is trying to say. All that talk about graphs and velocity and acceleration made me confuse. I'm somehow considering whether I should drop this subject anot...
I feel that it's wrong thinking of the teachers that people in 3hum don need too much help, and that we can manage without being taught. The truth is, we made it to hum purely because we did well for the exams, not because we are natural geniuses(and im not saying that im dumb either^^)
There was also a Chinese test today. Super hard and I just anyhow tikam the answer. Unlucky for me, I had no correction tape and I didnt use the writing space properly, so its like really messy as though a hurricane came out of it and jumbled my words. The test sucked! Just hope that i dont fail it or something...
Chem had to be the most fun lesson!^^ We had practical and we did the separation of copper sulphate and sand. Quite interesting but everyone felt HOT when we heated the copper sulphate with the bunsen burner. WOO!~ After the heating we put it one side for it to crystallise. The result is suppose to be nice, dark blue crystals on the evaporating dish. I wonder how mine wil turn out to be.
We had PSL follow-up with our Sec 1s after school at 3pm. Everyone was back to study mood so when the PC went "Sec 1s OII" everyone was quiet. Reminded me of the 1st day of camp. There was icebreakers in the hall and then we when to our respetive venues for some debriefing session. I felt quite sad cuz it is our last day as their PSLs. CHARITY PLS DON FORGET ME EVEN IF YOU HAVE YOUR NEW SEC2 CAMP PSL OK?? Lol.
Anyway I guess that's all for today. O ya before I forget... to sylarangg: pls cant it just be number one and two and don have number three? Haha i rock!
Monday, January 14, 2008

Charity you guys rock my ass! Woo hoo!~
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Actually I'm not supposed to post now but just got special permission from mum...So like I wanted to post about the Sec 1 camp but too busy. So like I shall do it now.=P
Yea 3rd to 5th Jan was the camp. Really fun. I was PSL of 1charity along with Fionella, Shiqi, Kenneth and our head Alvin. On the first day morning everyone was damn sian. When they went "Sec 1s OII!" everyone was silent. But who knew, by ice breakers all of them were really shouting already. I guess they did wanna shout in the hall but since they had no support, they didnt dare. After ice breakers was lunch. Kinda icky but just have to make do ba cuz its camp. Then was the Amazing HIHS Trail. Extreme tiredness but we encouraged each other through cheers and stuff. Every class got split into 2; major A and B. Suay suay I kena major A with the boring and tooty Kenneth. Seriously he was like a kill-joy. What an ass. Anyway I managed to get through by talking to Shiqi on the phone.
They also gave us this cheque so that we can earn $$ by playing the station games and things. Wow so heng I almost lost it. I put it in my right shoe(i thought) and I couldnt find it there so I went with Shiqi to retrace my steps. In the end I found it in my LEFT shoe... Like what the heck I felt retarded.
The night walk was fun. Everyone said that it wasnt scary but I don really think so. At the ending point Sebastian was telling some ghost story which made some people freak but I guess it was still ok.
On the 2nd day the usual stuff happened, except there was an extra CCA orientation! Totally crowded and chaotic. Not the ideal environment for studying. Lol just kidding. Hey turns out that quite a handful of people wanna join choir even though our performance wasnt that fantastic. Must be luck.
Then at night was the campfire. Really cool but not really high. Some people were very quiet... That's so sad... Apart from that I think majority of them had their share of fun.
We also formed a group called click seven!^^ Its made up of me, Shiqi, Fionella, Anson, Weane and 2 Shawns. We were together most of the time, talking and suan-ing and gossiping. So like Im xiao chiobu, fionella is buddha-nella(no offence to buddhist out there) and shiqi is still herself.
Unlucky for me, I lost my sleeping bag in the hg mrt station. Felt stupid as I saw it still outside the train. When I reached home I saw many smses and tags and msn adds. I just added all. They're all so talkative outside camp. So cute^^