Saturday, May 31, 2008
Today was the RJC briefing thingy. And nono RJC is NOT Russell John Chuah! It's Raffles Junior College, so don't get me wrong. As I was saying, we went to that place for the EnvirOlympics Challenge briefing. "We" meaning me, Wantian, Anne, Samuel, Shiqi, Bryan, Huihui, Zhongming, Kaiyang, Zihao, Daryl, Kenneth and Jane.First we all met at Long John at 11.30am. Then ate ate ate till like 12.05pm. Realised that we were running out of time, so we CHIONGED to the mrt station. Hahs running like maniacs as if we were participating in Amazing Race. Pretty cool yea(: Changed train at Dhoby Gaut to get to Bishan. Got equally lost when we got off. We saw some other schools too, and we reckoned that they were going to RJC. So we just followed them and walked. The funniest part was that as we were following 1 school, another school was following us, and another school was following them! So it was sorta like a long chain of people. If 1 dies, we all die too! Isn't that awesome?! Ok I'm saddist...
Reached the school at 1 something. Super crowded lah. Sorry people bad mood all of a sudden. Proceeded with the briefing blah blah... Turns out there's gonna be a torch relay, and all of us HI participants are signing up for it. I think it's really cool running around Singapore while holding a torch. And there's also gonna be some record breaking thing. It's about the longest trail of thumbprints on recycled paper. Hahs it's cool too! There will be 7 station games all around Singapore, and the ending point is HOUGANG MALL!! -_- Zzz... Yes that's sarcasm. There will also be a rock band performance at the end of the day. Yep heehees.
They taught us a cheer today. The title is CHEER NUMBER 2. Ok I'm lame. It goes like this:
Bang bang choo choo train, let me see you do that thing
Go green is the best
Go green never rest
Na na na na na na...
Go green ah ah eh ba
Go green ah ah eh ba
Go green ah ah eh ba
Sua sua sua
Go green ah ah eh ba
Go green ah ah eh ba
Go green ah ah eh ba
If you don't gettit, nevermind... But it's kinda fun. Suddenly feeling better now. Mood swings I guess.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Hi all! Back from choir camp. It's kinda fun, but a little boring cuz I solo-ed the whole group throughout. Oh curse you Daryl Song and Lai Siying! Hahas joking only lah. Hey seems like the "let out your feelings" thing really works! Maybe I just needed some time to settle the therapy into my brain. Gosh I'm crapping again... Nevermind me. Back to camp stuff.Had a bad start though. Totally overslept by 15mins. I thought that the time was 7.15am, but it was actually already 8.15am! I was like "wtf..." and just chionged to school. Didn't have much time to brush teeth so gums feeling sore now. I shall brush more later. When I reached school, it was already 8.50am. I was 50mins late. Everyone had already settled into their groups and were having fun. I felt so paiseh cuz I was the only group leader for the group at that time and arriving late was like... so embarassing! Got off to a rough start as I didn't have time to settle myself down before commencing. At least that didn't last very long. Went on to station games, video and sharing, lunchtime, treasure hunt blahs etc... Shan't elaborate cuz I'm wayyyy to lazy. Just wanna say that our group name is MAXX and we SUCK! Ok lah I'm bad, but we got last position... Kinda demoralising, especially for group leader.
Oh well, that's life. You win some, you lose some. Ok mostly is "lose some". But whatever I don't care. After all, the world may end in 2012 because of Osama burning everything or something like that as predicted by Nostradamus. For those who don't know who is Nostradamus, he's actually an author who wrote a stories similar to Titanic and WWII stuff more than 50 years before it really happened! In a way, he saw the future. Freaky cool eh. Psychic business. Not physics or psycho, but PSYCHIC. P-S-Y-C-H-I-C. Ok I'm crapping again. As I was saying, 2012 is just 4 years from now. If he's predictions are really accurate and it does happen, means that we should enjoy life now!
Tomorrow, I'm going to RJC's lecture theatre 1 with some other sec 3 SLs for some briefing about the Environment Olympics. Gotta find a way to get there without getting lost. Sigh* Still looking for '60s apparel. Anyone got some? Please spare a thought for this poor innocent little girl called Sam before Bugs kills you.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
It's official! I have escalator phobia!>< Wanna know why?So I was just my usual, innocent self, walking to Heartland Mall to buy Cup Walker coffee to soothe my very delicate throat. I was searching for my wallet in my bag as I stepped onto the escalator. I thought I was safely standing on that damn contraption, but actually only 1/4 of my feet were on the step! I almost fell backwards! Lucky I held on to the railing on time. Phew~ It could've been a real mess of my body if I did fall. This poses a real danger as I could also fall on the other innocent civilians behind me.
The government should do something about it. They should spare a thought for clumsy and careless people like yours truly. And it's not just me who's clumsy! There are still many others like Claudia, Fengye, Seowhwee and Jingyi [hahs no offence] who are equally clumsy! WHERE'S THE JUSTICE? This is 100% unfairness...
And why must choir wear swinging '60s clothes? After much thought about it, I think that this is all a plan to insult and embarass HI choir in front of the general public. Like what's their effing problem? I could endure singing backup even for a really fab finale and dancing like penguins, but this is where I draw the line. I'm sick of this musical. It's just a 50th anniversary! No big deal lah. Other schools celebrate for more advanced years like 100th or 200th anniversary, not for a puny number like 50. Why would the school spend so much $$ on something that will be forgotten eventually? Such a spendthrift the school is! It's so dumb. They should save up to do more constructive stuff like upgrading.
We choir people have much more important things to take care of like preparing for the Korea trip and SYF. The musical is just a waste of oh-so-precious time. Everyone in choir faces a lot of stress now cuz we have extra practices thanks to the musical!):
I apologise to the main cast and the other people involved. It's not your fault this musical exists and I'm not talking about you guys. I don't blame the directors too. I blame the SCHOOL!
Suddenly so damn pissed up. I thought letting out your unhappy feelings can cool one down. Who knew? It doesn't work.
WOOO!! Finally after 2 long years, my braces are OFF. Yep super happy! Just went to NDC yesterday to take them off, followed by scaling and polishing which really hurt my gums and made them bleed! Yeuch... Anyways it's pretty cool to have my braces off. Hahas but now my teeth look out-of-this-world big!><>"Sylar is a sec 1 weirdo who's skin is fairer than mine but doesn't wanna admit it." What d'ya think? Not bad eh? I guess he'll freak out even more. What now he's rushing me?! Nvm I shall just take my time...
Haha I was done all along! Ciao!
2:43 PM
Haha I was done all along! Ciao!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
What You Really Think Of Your Friends |
![]() You truly love Huibing. You consider Jingyi your true friend. You know that Clara is always thinking of you. You'll remember Claudia for the rest of your life. You secretly think Fengye is creative, charming, and a bit too dramatic at times. You secretly think that Huixin is colorful, impulsive, and a total risk taker. You secretly think that Jasmine is loyal and trustworthy to you. And that Jasmine changes lovers faster than underwear. You secretly think Seowhwee is shy and nonconfrontational. And that Seowhwee has a hidden internet romance. |
Haha this is super strange! All the names have just been put randomly. I'm not a lesbian, just plain bored.
Btw removing braces this wednesday! Oh boy hope everything goes well(: Yep wish me luck.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Hihi folks! Had a darn out-tie day today. 1st went with Annabel to buy present for Zhongming and her sister. Bought a pink chocolate notebook for Zhongming and a white teddy for her sis. Haha we bought necklaces from mini-toons! Mine's like a gingerbread man while Annabel's like a cat with a star below it.Then met up with Yanxu, Kayyin and Zhongming to go bowling. I didn't bowl, more like just sitting and slacking around. That was around 6 plus lo. Went grandmother's house for dinner after that (duh the rest didn't follow!). Crapped with Seowhwee via sms on the way. Took a video of my sis, bro and cousins playing tag. The background music is "songs of the jungle". Haha I took them for monkeys! Maybe I'll upload it here somedayXD Ok I'm bad... But they're not that fantastic either. Woo sushi and pasta for dinner! It's a sorta Asian mixed with Western thing. Very interesting. Went back home with my parents at like 10 something.
Everyone says that there's something wrong with my hair!>< YESTERDAY continued...
Was being forced to stop playing Audition and watch Silent Hill with the others. That show's like M18?! Kinda gross too. Almost freaked out but yea tried to control. We ordered pizza but it didn't come till after the movie ended. Aww no kick lo! So watched abit of some volcano show in Channel 5. Went home at 9.40pm. Reached home at 10 something. Phew lucky parents didn't scold! Bathing time only took 10 mins cuz I started thinking too much. Then conferenced with the rest of them at 11.30pm till 2am! Freaking sleepy after that.
Btw they deleted the pic that they took of me and Wenkai. It was actually named "2 different worlds" according to Yanxu. Hahs.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Yo yo people! Haha I'm at Zhongming house with Annabel, Jianming, Warren, Yanxu and Kayyin. Wenkai was here too but he left already. Kinda fun. I'm blogging (erm it's so obvious?!) while the rest are playing poker.Reached here at like 3+pm. Wenkai, Yanxu and Jianming were waiting for me and Annabel downstairs of Zhongming's block. And to think they told us to go to HIPS. Yea serves them right that Annabel scolded them! Wow I'm so evil... Watched some tv when we reached, then played some mahjong while watching Epic Movie, then ate fillet-o-fish! Played some Audition too, but wasn't easy cuz I'm not too used to the keys so kept missing. Drained the laptop battXD
Oh poor me... 1st they pushed Wenkai towards me as I was Auditioning, then they took a sneak pic, then Annabel attempted to take another pic but failed, then they kept talking about me and Noel vs Wenkai. Like omg so suay lah... Annabel SUCKs... Ok that's random but yea true. Warren SUCKs even more... That's not random. It's a fact.
Yep better go now. They're spying on me again.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Today was pretty normal. Fengye brought a face reading book she borrowed from the library. I'm gonna stop schooling and go to the workforce early. Haiz...ASSEMBLY- A farewell ceremony for Ms Michael. There's gonna be a big change in school once she leaves. Oh no with Ms Soh in-charge... Oh no! She's probably gonna force us to say good morning to her everyday.
A MATHS- Learnt about the graphs of modulus function. Annabel and I purposely moved in front and squeezed poor Jingyi and Lynette! Apart from that, everything was the same. Why does Mrs Nathan wanna teach so much? The other teachers are all so slacked.
PHYSICS- Started on chapter 7, which is on energy, work and power. Pretty easy chapter I guess. Oops too early to say that. Definitely it's gonna get even tougher. Haiz...
ENGLISH- Mrs Ng just called us to go through our English marks just to confirm again. Then we had half an hour for fun! Yay me, Annabel, Clara, Claudia, Lynette, Amanda, Jingyi and Fengye played heart attack! Yep that's a whole lotta people. Anyway we had so much damn fun. Mrs Ng sorta joined us too. She watched us play. Quite cool lah. A bit like hanging out with teachers during PTM day. Lynette won that round. The rest of us didn't know as we were talking to Mrs Ng. Lynette was so silent when she won. Annabel totally freak out and she made us scream and remove our hands from the table. Then we burst out in laughter cuz it was so funny. Well it showed Mrs Ng how the game is supposed to be played.
CHINESE- Cheng laoshi went through the paper, but i didn't bring it. So I just wasted time by drawing on Annabel's notebook.
CHEMISTRY- Ms Zahila went through the paper too. Then there was about half and hour for us to play AGAIN! Nop didn't play heart attack. I was feeling sooooo sleepy... Then at around 1.55pm, Huibing took the corn starch that Noel brought and she poured it over Zhongming as a birthday surprise. Like omg he was totally white, like a snowmanXD To make things worse, Kenneth that idiot poured water on Zhongming. Now the corn starch was all stuck together and hardening. Many of the tables and chairs kena the corn starch, Yep lucky my table was further away and I didn't stand too close when Huibing poured it. Phew~ Lol.
AFTER SCHOOL- Stayed to clean up the mess. Then went to Hougang Mall to eat mango ice with Clara and Annabel. Went back to school at 3.30pm. Watched Huibing and some others play The Strategy Game at the SPACE. Changed for the preliminary rounds. Reserved for 1st 2 games and just sat there cheering them on. Subbed Chinghui for the last game as she felt tired. Played against blue team and woah they're super tough. In the end they won us and we didn't make it to semi-finals. At least there's still 1 more yellow team. And yep they made it to the semi-finals. Tingying got an asthma attack after the whole thing. She ran back to gym and asked Chinghui to take out her inhaler. Then she started breathing through it and her breaths were deep and heavy. Sounded painful and she sorta cried. Omg poor Tingying... Lucky she got her breath back. Lingered in school till about 6.30pm before going home.
Why are people still saying about *ahem...*? So strange...
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Ok I didn't do as well as I expected.ENGLISH: 64/100 (fengye won me!)
E MATHS: 83.6/100
A MATHS: 65/100
CHINESE: 69/100
PHYSICS: 60/100
CHEMISTRY: 58.2/100
BIOLOGY: 70/100
MUSIC: 61/100
Yep as you can see, these results are so not the happening kind. Fengye says again that I'm seriously deproving. Agreed, although I don't think she has the right to say that, but yea still agreed. Suddenly, I feel motivated to do better in 2nd semester. But that kinda motivation is sorta on/off type. For now... nah don't see the light yet.
Just argued with Noel
This morning during assembly they were asking who wanted to buy HI Musical ticks. Only a mere handful bought. Lol HI is so not supportive. Didn't bother buying as I will be performing the insignificant BACKUP for the musical. And it's for both shows too! At least they could give us some recognition for that. You know how tiring it is? From morning to nightfall, the whole day doing last minute rehearsals and chionging to eat and makeup and stuff. Loads of experience with that during choir concerts. And speaking of which, choir's going to KOREA!! *yay!* But $1500 must be coughed out. *aww...* Anyways, can't wait for the trip! *yay!* Can't go for the humanities or twinning trip. *aww...* Sorry freakos or such who do want me to go.
Preliminary rounds of sports carnival tomorrow till next week. Sadly, I joined captain's ball and tug-of-war. Believe it... Watashi joins captain's ball for once. Teachers still force you to join something, might as well be forced by friends, namely Tingying and people. I guess I could try to have fun. Yep.
Resuming some lessons tomorrow. Haiz it's gonna be super duper boring man! You don't need to be a psychic to figure that out. The good thing is... School ends next Friday! Just the SCHOOL, not MUSICAL REHEARSALS or HOMEWORK! It definitely won't be a holiday for me.
Hmmm so that's all for today. And btw saw musical cast photos at the parade square. Like omg they look super weird and funny! No offence lah... But also kinda interesting. Hahs. That really cheered me up after a long day in school.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Haha didn't post yesterday cuz I was too tired. Went out loads. I think it's the most in the history of my 15 years on this Earth.So first went to daddy's friend's wedding. Turns out it was a wedding LUNCH, not a dinner. Reached Sentosa at 12.40pm or so. The thing was held at One degree 15, some club where you pay $20000 just to be a member. In that place, my gosh everyone was so adult and dressed like overdone ice cream. All the ladies were wearing super high stillettos. The shortest and plainest seems to be my mum. She said that we 3 kids are her excuse if someone comes to ask her. There was this mobile photo studio. Haha we took a family photo. It looks weird.
The thing started at 1pm. The bride came in in a mini cooper! Believe it a car can drive into the function room! Then the usual things when on blah blah blah... Buffet was good too:D The only weirdest thing was that the groom, my dad's friend Patrick, looks just like Zhongming in every way! Laughed like mad! No offence to Uncle Patrick, but he also reminds me of Spongbob's best friend Patrick. Wonder if his parents named him like that because he was born all round and chubby. They were also talking something about nuptial night and baby stuff. Like wth it was freaking weird.
Left that place at about 2.50pm. Phew~ Went home but didn't bother to change as we were leaving for dinner at Kublai Khan at 5.45pm. So just turned on the com and played some Audition. By the time we left the house, I was so sleepy== Slept on the way to the place. Didn't eat much when we reached the place. Slept on the way back too. That's why I didn't bother to post yesterday. Felt hungry and ate some biscuits. Mum scolded me for wasting money because I hardly ate there.
There's nothing to say about today. Just the normal, draggy day before school resumes tomorrow. It's also on this day when my parents are dead black-faced. I never dare bargain with them on Sundays. So just stayed in my room doing sudoku. Haha on sudoku #254 now! We may be getting back some papers tomorrow. Omg hope I do well!
192 days to my egg-cracking day!
Friday, May 9, 2008
See? Told you I'll post today too!Went to Clara's house with Annabel today because Clara's mum won't let her step out of the place. I got off the bus 2 stops early! That's like freaking far! Could see the heat waves radiating from the ground. We played mahjong there while watching some show that Annabel brought. The WOMAN's voice was damn high and act cute. I was so pissed off and irritated cuz she just kept blabbering with that effed up voice of hers. Like what's her problem?! I told them that I should've brought along my ipod... Claudia din go cuz she had tuition. Wow fancy having tuition right after exam.
Around 4.45pm, Annabel and Clara came to my place. So finally her mum allowed her to come. Yay. We ate blueberry cake(no cake for someone!) and played around the condo and there was this dog whose head kept moving up as it barked. Kinda cute. Then there were 2 other dogs barking and waving their tails as we walked pass. Maybe they felt pathetic staying in that house.
Came back up at about 7pm. Went to my room and turned off all the lights. Gossipped about the people in class and about yesterday's outing, which sadly, I did not go. Then we ate dinner. Annabel and Clara sure ate like pigs! They seemed really hungry to me. Had a quick dinner, then went back to the room to gossip part 2. Played truth but no dare and talked about the difference between anal and oral sex, who was the most lie-able and hairy guy in class, who from 3hum is most likely to have sex first, Max's semen, and all sorts of perv stuff. Laughed till my tummy ached...
For some reason we were standing on the bed, then all 3 of us "collapsed"! I fell in between the gap of my bed and my bags and I hurt my bum D: But what the heck we were laughing like crazy to care.
They left at 9.30pm. Aww wished they didn't go. Anyway we planned a sleepover at Clara's house at the end of this month. Haha hope that doesn't get cancelled. Phew the plan today was sorta cancelled, but hey at least they came to my place. I think it will be more fun if Claudia could come too.
So that's just it. Don't bother how my music and oral went. It sucked big time. Going to daddy's friend's wedding tomorrow. It's gonna be held in Sentosa! That's the only reason why I feel like going. Other than that, I think I would just stay home and enjoy some me-time.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Like I slept just now while studying music. Nothing seems to be going in. Maybe it was really tiring to have 2 and a half hours of music lesson. My wrists hurt after the whole thing ended. Yep now I'm hungry. If you're wondering why I even bothered to post another one, let me just say that today's music lesson was one of the most degrading ones ever!Went to Yamaha at 1.15pm, like I stated in the previous post. Okay I was kinda late so it was more like 1.25pm. Teacher said that the studio door was unlocked, but it wasn't. Even if I reached there early I still can't go in and practise first, so yea maybe being late for today wasn't such a bad thing after all.
When teacher arrived, she took the key blah blah blah... It was totally freezing when I entered. Talk about electricity bills! They must cost a bomb every month! She asked if I practised REALLY HARD. Hmmm I practised a little at Claudia's house, but that wasn't REALLY HARD. Of course, I lied and said, "ya". Fine I know lies aren't good but hey... I din do as badly as I thought. Went through a million times with teacher before she sent me off to the next studio to practise on my own. That was around 2.15pm. Went back and forth from studio 4 to 5, back to 4 and 5 and back to 4. Really not lying! Cuz she told me to practise then go back to let her hear, then practise some more. The last time was the worse...
Her student called me over to play for teacher. I thought that the student just called me over on her way home. Guess what? She and teacher were like my audience, and they gave me comments. I couldn't play with so many people around. For a pianist or any other person playing musical instruments, just 1 extra person was a lot. At that time my wrists were aching like mad so I couldn't play very fast either. I got stuck halfway so I just gave up and stopped. What are the comments? "In a park." In a way, they were saying that I was really slow. That's nothing, but to think I practised for 2 over hours for those kinda comments. Haiz I went home feeling depressed. What if Mrs Tay gives thhe same feedback tomorrow? Omg I'm so dead!
Yep so that's all for now. Definitely posting again tomorrow about the freakos at my place.
Woopie finally end of exams! Okay well sorta... Still got music to think about. Mrs Tay says she's worries about listening to our practical. Omg hope I pass. There isn't enough time for us to prepare. We only got like 2 weeks to do so. If you noticed, now my tone is kinda informal. Yea cuz I decided to put it this way FOR GOOD. Haha.
So I'm stuck at home while the Clara and Annabel went out with a combo of weird guys in class. I mean with all the supposedly rejected people, wish my peeps good luck. I could've gone too, but I got music lesson later at 1.15pm. 2 hours. Teacher is so anxious about my practical. No idea why I don't feel a thing. She got a shock when I said that I'm supposed to pass up a piece on 9 May.
And the outing tomorrow is cancelled! Can you believe it? Everyone was waiting for that day to come and what do we get? Haiz maybe I'm just unlucky. OMEN~ But it's also partly because we'll all be so busy tomorrow. SL meetings, musical rehearsal, stock taking for CEC Camp... Kinda retarded if you ask me. Only Jingyi, Zhengwei and Yoongaunn are the innocent ones. Oh poor them.
However, the freakos are coming to my house tomorrow! Yea! Hope that it's not cancelled too. Just some problem though. Annabel wants to go swimming but Clara doesn't, and Claudia was still in school with Cheng laoshi so I'm not sure what she wants. If Annabel and Clara can't agree on something, I'm gonna have to split myself in half. What if Claudia wants something else? Wow than I'll split myself into thirds. I'll give my head to Annabel, my body to Clara and my legs to Claudia. Won't that be fun? Lol I'm saddist...
Ooh man so darn bored now. Yep done blogging. Hey maybe I'll blog again tomorrow. Don't know why, but all of a sudden blogging seems so fun. My pheromones are attracted to blogging pheromones! Currently in love with f.u.l.l.s.t.o.p.s. I'M TWO-TIMING BLOGGING AND FULLSTOPS!!
12:27 PM
So I'm stuck at home while the Clara and Annabel went out with a combo of weird guys in class. I mean with all the supposedly rejected people, wish my peeps good luck. I could've gone too, but I got music lesson later at 1.15pm. 2 hours. Teacher is so anxious about my practical. No idea why I don't feel a thing. She got a shock when I said that I'm supposed to pass up a piece on 9 May.
And the outing tomorrow is cancelled! Can you believe it? Everyone was waiting for that day to come and what do we get? Haiz maybe I'm just unlucky. OMEN~ But it's also partly because we'll all be so busy tomorrow. SL meetings, musical rehearsal, stock taking for CEC Camp... Kinda retarded if you ask me. Only Jingyi, Zhengwei and Yoongaunn are the innocent ones. Oh poor them.
However, the freakos are coming to my house tomorrow! Yea! Hope that it's not cancelled too. Just some problem though. Annabel wants to go swimming but Clara doesn't, and Claudia was still in school with Cheng laoshi so I'm not sure what she wants. If Annabel and Clara can't agree on something, I'm gonna have to split myself in half. What if Claudia wants something else? Wow than I'll split myself into thirds. I'll give my head to Annabel, my body to Clara and my legs to Claudia. Won't that be fun? Lol I'm saddist...
Ooh man so darn bored now. Yep done blogging. Hey maybe I'll blog again tomorrow. Don't know why, but all of a sudden blogging seems so fun. My pheromones are attracted to blogging pheromones! Currently in love with f.u.l.l.s.t.o.p.s. I'M TWO-TIMING BLOGGING AND FULLSTOPS!!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
If you think that I've haven't been blogging much... You are so right! HAHAHA~Right now I'm at Claudia's place. Yea finally exam is ALMOST over. Still got music left to worry about. Haiz people like Annabel don't have to worry anymore. This is so unfair. The past week was exam time, so I didn't do much com stuff. Overall, A Maths sucked, Physics sucked, Chemistry sucked, and Chinese P2 sucked too. Already predicted that I'll drop as compared to last year. Fengye is definitely gonna win me this time round. Just hope that music won't be another regret.
They want me to play piano for them just because there's one at Claudia's. Who's here with me? The normal bunch of freakos yep^^ Claudia has 3 dogs. Kinda cool but a little noisy. Her house is really nice too. Before coming we went to Cafe Cartel at Hougang Mall. Annabel's mum was there too. We were sitting on the longish and really bouncy sofa. I was smack in the middle of Clara and Claudia. Nothing bad about that you say? First Clara went yap yap yap and food from her mouth spit out on my leg. Then a few moments later Claudia went slurp slurp slurp on her drink and some of it dripped on my other leg. Hasn't ended yet... Annabel moved a cup of water and it spilt over to my side. Lucky I dodged just in time, otherwise I would look like I peed.
Okay that's enough blogging for once. By the way I took 10 minutes to write this sentence because there was some chaos with the dogs around here, and Max's coo coo touched my leg! That was kinda weird but I guess it is a once in a lifetime experience. Hahas.