Thursday, November 27, 2008
yo. like i said to some of my choir peeps, life will be so slow after singout. and it is. i practically spent the whole day glued to the computer and facebooking. oh and speaking of facebook, since when did it become such an "in" thing? o.o weird. anyway, it's fun. i was supposed to make my IC 7 hours ago, but there was no one to accompany, so i'm going tomorrow instead (hopefully)! my elders keep telling me not to delay the IC thing, otherwise legal action will be taken and my parents will totally kill me if they have to bail me out from jail. won't that be amusing?experiencing a severe gender crisis here. i'm a female right? but i got the personality of males. i mean, i don't understand how females can "shop till they drop" but not really dropping on the floor, exhausted. if i were shopping, which by the way is one of the most hated things i'll do, i'll just get bored after half an hour. hold on... guys shop too. oh and i like wearing super baggy shirts and really baggy pants. the usual tight-fitting blouse and mini shorts combo totally ain't my thing. and what's with tank tops? i don't like tops that will show-off my armpits. that's just gross.
i like eating corn. it makes me happy and ticklish. heehee.
just being random. actually, i'm seriously out of ideas to post. hey, since i'm actually typing something, means that i DO have something to post. reverse psychology is cool.
"can somebody pass me the Fire Armour fire extinguisher?" (chelyn knows what i'm talking about)
samantha is such a common name. bahh.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
hello folks! yeah yeah i know it's been ages since i last posted. i'm skipping the korea trip details for now cuz it's really too long, and not because i'm lazy (actually i am lazy too). anyways, today was singout'08 day! and an awesome one it was :D too bad it was the last one.i shall not talk about the other rehearsal days as they're all pretty much the same as other rehearsals... haha.
today was only our SECOND and FINAL rehearsal at VCH. see? that's the bad thing about going to korea. we didn't have much rehearsal time and everything was all rushed up. well all three schools met for the 1st time just last wednesday (also my birthday). ok back to today. we reached there at like 1.30pm. haha we were the 1st school to reach! yeah finally beat the st gabs people, for once! then we had our warmups and stuff... all the usual.
[skips to 5.45pm]
we had dinns at 5.45pm. it was some chicken thing with sauce, long beans with chilli and tofu. also, there was this slab of chilli on the rice. the funny thing was, they told us not to eat all the chilli stuff (although most ate everything). i, for one, can't really tolerate chilli. so all i ate was the NON-CHILLI stuff (rice and the tofu and ONE piece of chicken). heehee. and let me tell you that the rice was darn filling.
after eating (around 6pm), we rushed off to change, do our hair and makeup. you had to climb a flight of steps to get to our dressing room. the steps were those planky things, and there was only a small space left for our feet to walk when the planks over-lapped. i almost fell! gahh. erika's a super woman when it comes to bunning hair. after changing and makeup-ing, we had only 5 mins left. erika totally bunned for me, with 2 mins to spare! cool right?
all 3 choirs gathered in the hall at 7pm, just before the audience were allowed to come in. we didn't have the usual prayer. instead, we sang "heart of worship" as a prayer to dedicate to God. haha it's quite a novel idea. when the performance started, everything was rush rush rush, dodging in and out of the many folks who were gathered together. the whole concert lasted for 2 hours and 15 mins, but it felt like only an hour. gahh i hate it when time totally flies when you're just starting to have fun. soon, we were down to the last few performances, and after that, everything's OVER.
met brenda, lynette, inglee, juleen, wantian, annabel, clara cher, claudia, clara wong, weiwen, serena, chuanlian, my parents etc after the concert. oh man it was really jammed outside the hall. juleen gave me my birthday present, and wantian, annabel, clara cher, and claudia gave me a tiny bouquet each. they're really sweet, and then i was up to my neck, literally. i felt like a giraffe when i carried all the presents that they gave me. nonetheless, THANK YOU PEEPS! heehee.
D: i never wanted singout to end. in fact, many of us didn't feel that today was our performance day. this post marks the end of singout'08 and singout, generally. this is our last singout. oh man i sure will miss working with the other schools and fooling around with them. the next time we see each other is SYF next year, but i think the odds of meeting them is only 2%. oh how sad. and there's the big 'O's next year, something that i'm absolutely not prepared for.
i'll miss HI choir when i retire next year...
Thursday, November 13, 2008
hello fellow singaporeans! heehee currently blogging from toyoko inn in busan! ;D sorry if you've been trying to contact me and such. my phone's got no auto-roaming. gahh. so the only way of communicating is through here! haha leave a tag if you wanna say something. today we're gonna go to an elementary school to perform. it's now 10.37am here. something's wrong with this keyboard. ok it's not really wrong, but it's sorta like a japanese keyboard, so i can't find certain keys, for example, brackets and colon. poop. moreover, the spacebar is super duper small and thick! super irritating!fell sick yesterday, and felt really cold and terrible. was practically chattering at the hongkong airport, and felt like puking at the busan airport. fortunately, i feel much better today, after taking panadol actifast and sponging myself yesterday! hooray for mummy! XD
ok i shall blog more in detail when i get back to singapore.
people i miss back home are...
1. family
2. 7ahs
3. N425
love you guys!
p.s i can't publish my post at 10.45 cuz it's supposed to be 9.45, but it's still 10.45 now. quite confusing but good for you if you can get it ;D
Thursday, November 6, 2008
hello. since i've got nothing specific to blog about, i shall blog about random stuff which are coming up, so it is still kinda specific... i guess. oh korea trip's coming up! 6 days ok... the more i think about it, the more i don't feel like leaving singapore. maybe it's cuz i'll miss my family, friends etc. and i guess i'll be totally DOWNdated (opposite of updated) when i come back. i shall hire somebody to update me on all the happenings.
singout's coming too! whee! XD it's gonna be my last singout. sold 7 tickets (i think) or so. that's not bad. sales are great! ms yee expects 770/800 seats to be filled. that's an awful lot of folks coming o.o choir practices have been intense these few days. there are a lot of dancing stuff, that takes up 3 hours of choir (1 song takes 1 hour if there are mistakes). nonetheless, the overall feeling of the singout performance is always satisfying. this will be my last singout D: oh man... hopefully the sec 2s and 1s don't throw our choir reputation away. what's built in 10 years can be destroyed in 10 seconds. how scary's that?
debate's tomorrow *shudders* seems like eveyone i know is totally chionging for the debate stuff. i've just done my script (that's why i blogged). hopefully our group can go through this debate successfully. we don't have to win it, we just have to do our best :D
oh yeah my big toe on my left foot's got a bruise... and it's under my toenail. at first, i didn't know what it was. went to ask my mum and she said, "oh no your toe is rotting!" even though i knew she was joking, i was quite worried. then i asked my dad. he said, "gosh sam you gotta fungus infection!" sam was scared (x2) then i said, "how can fungus be blue and red?" then my mum thought it was a stain and asked me to file my nail. i ended up shining my nail too! but it was still there... o.o upon closer inspection by dad, it turned out to be a bruise. maybe i got it when i was blading at bishan park? actually if you are in my class and you noticed, i will remove my sock and show it to the world! i think it's quite cool ;D
exactly 10.01pm :D
Monday, November 3, 2008
QUIZ :D1. The person that passed me this quiz is?
zhengwei & yoongaunn.
2. Your relationship with him/her is?
both are classmates and good friends :D
3. Your five impression of him/her?
zhengwei: "wow, didn't know you existed."
yoongaunn: "haha weird diao face."
4. The most memorable thing she/he has done for you?
zhengwei: bringing me to church so that i'll develop a relationship with God.
yoongaunn: nothing yet, but hope i'll live to see the day.
5. The most memorable thing he/she has said to you?
too many to decide... for both people.
6. If he/she becomes my lover you will? (it never hurt to exercise your creativity)
you can't be serious? but if i imagine, i see myself...
zhengwei: playing scissors paper stone. loser gets thrown into a body of water!
yoongaunn: bringing him to my grand uncle and auntie's farm to see the cabbages.
7. If he becomes your enemy you will?
doubt so lah. again if i play along...
zhengwei: poke his butt with a scissors?
yoongaunn: eat his beloved cabbage friends in front of him?
8. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be?
SERIOUSLY doubt we'll even be enemies.
9. The most desired thing you wanna do for him/her is?
i better keep my hands to myself, though it's tempting to... nevermind ;D
10. Your overall impression of them is?
zhengwei: pokemon fanatic, pink is the love.
yoongaunn: a dude of little words... and little actions.
11. How do u think the people around you feel about you?
i got my ups and downs. they like my ups, but definitely not my downs.
12. The characters i love about myself are?
the way i stretch my thinking, somehow spontaneous?, cute :D
13. On the contrary, what are the characters you hate about yourself?
too emo at times, badmouthing (not that i badmouth you or anything...)
14. The most ideal person I want to be with is?
myself, cuz i'm the best that i can be, and no one can be like me! XD
15. What do you have to say to the people who care, concern and love you?
thanks for your support, even through the tough times. love ya all :)
16. Who do you want to pass this quiz to 10 people to know how they think about you?
1. claudia
2. huibing
3. crystal
4. yoongaunn
5. jianming
6. wantian
7. noel
8. zhengwei
9. valerian
10. juleen
17. Who is number 6 having a relationship with? (wantian)
her beloved peeps! duh :/
18. Is number 9 a male or a female? (valerian)
male, although he acts like a female sometimes.
19. IF number 7 & 10 go out together, will it be a good thing? (noel & juleen)
haha could be kinda cool, provided SOMEONE doesn't mind ;D
20. What is number 2 studying about? (huibing)
everything that i'm studying too! except music...
21. When was the last time you spoke to number 3? (crystal)
the choir practice on fri, 31/10/08.
22. What kind of music band does number 8 like? (zhengwei)
i reckon it's hillsong.
23. Does number 1 have any siblings? (claudia)
yup. 1 brother and 1 sister, to be specific.
24. Will you woo number 3? (crystal)
i will, if she's willing to go out with me! haha :D
25. How about number 7? (noel)
forgettit man... ==
26. Is number 4 single? (yoongaunn)
guess so.
27. What is the surname of number 5? (jianming)
28. What's the hobby of number 10? (juleen)
getting bullied by sam, hanging out with her pals etc.
29. Does number 5 & 9 get along well? (jianming & valerian)
not sure, but they are friends.
30. Where is number 2 studying at? (huibing)
31. Talk something casually about number 1? (claudia)
claudia's good at drawing freehand circles!
32. Have you tried developing feelings for number 6? (wantian)
i'm straight! unless friendship counts too...
33. Where does number 9 lives now? (valerian)
somewhere in singapore... hougang?
34. What colour does number 4 like? (yoongaunn)
green? just a random guess.
35. Are number 5 & 1 good friends? (jianming & claudia)
they do talk, but i don't think they're GOOD friends.
36. Is number 7 the sexiest person in the world? (noel)
do i have to answer? *shudders*
37. What is number 6 doing now? (wantian)
hmm... maybe going through school work? or maybe sleeping?
Saturday, November 1, 2008
no particular for changing url. it's just for fun ;Dso don't ask what's the difference in blogskin, coding etc.
most people change url after they've given a totally fresh new look with their own blogs.
FYI, "most" doesn't mean "all".
i just think that i stuck with my other url a little too long.
so would you please relink?
sorry for the darn trouble and mafan! :D
my birthday's in 18 days!