Saturday, September 5, 2009
whoa, finally, it's not 2 months before O levels now! man that's bitterweet o.o ok nevermind.we just got our report books back. L1R4 was 12, L1R5 was 19.kinda sucky, and mum said that maybe i shouldn't have taken music or triple science. anyway it's too late to drop subjects already. gonna prove her wrong with my O level results, that's why this is probably the last time i'll blog till november. though i must admit, i should have quit music at the beginning of the year. oh well, it's all too late now D: dad's at a fishing trip at bintan. wonder what his reaction will be like when he sees my results tomorrow. hopefully he won't scold me, but he'll probably cancel my computer privileges and ask me to stop going to church for the time being (he knows he can't do that!).
september holidays are coming up mext week, but still gotta go to school for 3 out of the 5 normal school days. oh sheesh. i want O levels to hurry up and go away! D: but actually, i'm not that prepared yet, so i think O levels should just take its time. oh sheesh. definitely going to poly. now i'm deciding between NP and SP. i favour NP better, but still can't make up my mind. maybe i should just wait for results to come out before deciding again. i'm defo taking a course with bio in it.
realised something? my entire post didn't have a :D in it.
hey wait, now there's one.
there's another one. makes it 2 :D
now there's 3 :D
and 4 :D
and 5 :D
and 6...
i should stop now.