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Well hi there! I'm Samantha, more commonly known as Sam by the awesome peepo around me :D Currently studying in SP DBS (regretting :/) though some still think I'm like Sec 1/2! Do I look that young? :D
Anyway, I welcome friends and possible strangers :D Feel free to look around, though I admit there's nothing much.

CLOTHES. *shhhh*
N346! :D


N346 :D

3HUM'08 :D
4HUM'09 :D
6CHA'05 :D


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Designer: SPLASH!
Base code: manikka
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Sunday, October 3, 2010
Hi non-readers, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE 2AM! :DDD

Okay don't know why I'm suddenly in this strange obsessed fangirl kinda mood, but yeah, they're really superduperhypermega awesome!

Just had dinner like an hour ago, and now I'm eating some super annoying grapes. They're those small things that you have to pluck slowly to eat. Plus, it's a whole lot on one branch (like 100 plus? no kidding) so it's really an excrutiatingly tedious job just to pluck them. And it's small so only a little bit of grape flesh/juice actually comes out when you chew. Good workout for your arms and fingers though. Speaking of which, I REALLY REALLY REALLY NEED TO EXERCISE, if not I won't be able to fit into my jeans! Honest! O: Man this is embarrassing to post on my blog, but no one reads this, so yeah, nevermind.

Today we had service as usual, then went to Bedok for lunch and then jalaning around Orchard. Finally stopped by Macs at Heeren to play Monopoly Deal. Wow, it's like my 4th or 5th time playing without any help. The game requires lots of skill and luck and logic, which I'm seriously lacking. I mean:
1) Logic - You know how my brain works. My mind can actually weave impossible situations that I really want to happen, not to mention that those thoughts can get pretty ahead of themselves too. So yeah, I guess my mind has everything but logic.
2) Luck - Trick! When I believe in God, I don't believe in luck :D Everything good comes from God's blessing (: NO LUCK.
3) Skill - HELLO?? This was only my 4th time playing it, obviously I haven't had enough "practise" yet to make me a Monopoly Deal pro! So no skill!

See, that's why I think I'm not that cut out for that game.. yet. Though yes I admit, it's a pretty fun game! :D

After that I was on my way home, and I met Jianhui and Fiona at Serangoon station holding hands! Jianhui seemed to be walking a tad too fast and pulling Fiona along though O.O Anyway, it was sweet to see them like that (: Then I asked Jianhui why they weren't holding the finger-interlocking style, and he said cos it's too warm. Hmm, really? I thought that love was supposed to feel warm (:

Poo, I'm like seriously addicted to Korean variety shows with those kpop idols. They're really fun to watch! :D One thing: I somehow don't like it when they pair my favourite guy idols to some girl ones, or when girl idols appear in the same episode as my favourite guy idols >:( Jealous much? Maybe :/ Oops. Heh. But then you might be thinking that "hey, then there aren't THAT many shows you like to watch!" Au contraire my good friend :D Star Golden Bell is nice, though the front bit's a little draggy. And so is Idol Army (not the couple episodes). Okay fine, why do I always get so jealous over meaningless things? Hmm then again, if I could actually get jealous, means it has some significance. I wonder what.

Will probably be getting my iPhone tomorrow! :D OMGOSH I'M EGGXITED. My sis will be getting one too, but she doesn't want to give up her iTouch to my bro! What's up with that man, stingy fellow :/

Results tomorrow, I pray/hope that I will get nice and pretty results. All the best!

Well anyway, gotta now. Still haven't finished my enormous bunch of super tiny grapes.

9:29 PM

breaking news: sam has officially declared 2 october to be Sam Is Really Nuts day. on this day, sam's gonna open up her crazy mind for exhibition. folks from all around will get to discover a whole new side to this spunky kid. heehee :D opening hours have yet to be released, but sam stated that this will be a "fun and enjoyable experience for the whole family". yep, we sure dont't wanna be missing this! so see you there! :DDD

sincerely, sam :D
So this was what I tweeted today. Gotta admit, I'm pretty impressed that my brain could just automatically come up with this load of bullpoop :D Seriously, I didn't have to think very much. And don't know what made me post this on Twitter too. Hahaha. Even someone like Ryan could say that my brain has officially konked out! O: It must be that awesome.

Anyway, Mrs Lee Kwan Yew passed away today at 89 years old. Really, she's such a fighter to have been able to live this long. I really admire her a lot (: R.I.P. Mrs Lee, you have contributed loads to this country to bring us where we are today. You may be gone, but your legacy will forever be imprinted in Singapore's history. And yes, condolences to the Lee family too.

Well it's official, I should be getting my iPhone 4 this coming monday, tuesday or wednesday! Excited much :D Actually my mum said I could get it today if I went to Compasspoint. And no, it's not that I didn't get my phone today cos I was lazy to go all the way to Sengkang. Frankly speaking, it's pretty nearby. It's cos I like that feeling of anticipation before I get my iPhone. Like, gives me a sense of satisfaction. Agreed? :D

You know what I've been thinking? I think it'll be pretty cool if some celebrity accidentally stumbled upon this very blog and goes "hmm, I like her style." Then I'll be famous and this will be some celebrity blog. I'm thinking too much, you say? Yeah I get that a lot! (especially from my best friend) But he supports me anyway (: And won't it be cool if there was some sort of admission fee to enter my celebrity blog?! I could charge like 4 bucks per person. WOW.

*snaps out of my fantasy*

Like I said, this blog is kinda for ranting, something like an addition to Twitter for me. But yeah, the above is an example of how much nonsense my brain can come up with. Most of the time it's got something to do with celebrities and stardom. What's up with that? O: Could it be a sign? Hoho.

P.S, I wrote on FB that my blog's been revived. Apparently no one read that status. Tumblr seems to be more popular now. Oh well, then I can rant more without anyone knowing! :D (I guess?)
P.P.S, I like singing. *hinthint* Heh.

12:17 AM

Thursday, September 30, 2010
OH MY GOSH BABY I'M BACK! :D You wonder why? Yeah me too. Hahaha. Well, about half a year since I last posted (time flies - not really). And it's my first post on my laptop for school. Coolio right? Surfing Facebook and chatting on MSN during lessons :D Best part: teachers don't really mind either! (not that they don't care okay, 2 different things)

Okay well anyway, a lot has happened during this 6 months that I've been MIA and thus resulting in my blog collecting lots of cyber dust. I'm not gonna blog about whatever that has happened cos it'll take me forever, so I'm just gonna start off from more recently (yep, that means no CLS camp post or exams or whatnot).

So first of all, you know that kpop fever that's hit our tiny island? Well, I'm a victim of it too -.- More specifically, I like 2AM, U-KISS, C.N Blue and MBLAQ. Hahaha :D And yes, they're all guy bands. No, I'm not a despo flirty bimbo or anything of that sort. Somehow I find guy bands having more talent than girl bands. Total truth, no biasness. Following some of them on Twitter too! Half the time (or more) they tweet in Korean, so I use Google Translator, which gives a direct translation and jumbled up english words. Hoho. Oh yes, going to Seoul in December! Excited for it :D And I'm happy that today's the last day of September. FINALLY! Gonna get there and hopefully bump into my fave groups (0.0000001% chance). See, I didn't give a straight 0% cos well, anything can happen. Will definitely blog about the Korea trip when I get back. Remind me please :D

And about the iPhone 4 that hit the market here 2 months ago.. I WANT ONE. My dad was really sneaky cos he bought one for himself and used it for like 5 days without any one of us knowing about it. Poop. To think the previous day he showed us HIS iPhone, he still asked why I wanted one! O: Hope I get one soon. Supposed to meet my dad at Heartland on Monday to go see, but apparently I didn't know about it before, so he went to get a haircut instead. Now I'm hoping that he also went to help me order :D

On holidays now till October 18th. Yeah I know you're prolly wondering why my holidays are so frequent. It's pretty cool to just slack at home, but then there's no purpose in it either :/ Kinda sucks after a while. Exam results coming out next Monday! Gosh I'm nervous. *at least 3.5 GPA please!* Anyway, going to WWW with Gados tomorrow! If you don't know, they're my bunch of friends from the CLS camp which I'm not blogging about. Hope that the weather is nice to us tomorrow, and not like that super lethargic rainy day today.

Well I'm gonna stop here for now. If there's anything more, I'll come back to rant on it :D Sayonara!

7:09 PM

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
today i went to SP (for the first time as a student! :D) for the CLS camp briefing. smsed jianming on the way, and sorta decided to meet him to go in, but then he said they gathered them at the mrt station, so he was going in already. so, yeah. anyway i was confident of finding the briefing place myself (: i did something quite embarrassing on the way to school though.

1) at outram park station, the green line part. the train came and as usual, i was about to go in. and you know, usually they have maintenance or whatever for green line trains, and they'll announce "your attention please, the train at platform A terminates it's service at outram park interchange" or whatever station. thanks to my ear piece stuffed in my ears, i couldn't hear the announcement and boarded the train -.- there was this lady in front of me who was about to board but suddenly stopped. so i just thought she wasn't sure of what train she was supposed to take. when i went in, i was like "wow, this train's pretty empty (:" then those staff in red came chasing people out of it. thank God they were there, otherwise i would have just sat down like some idiot. and THANK GOD I WASN'T THE ONLY PERSON WHO MADE SUCH A MISTAKE :D

2) when i reached dover (finally!), i didn't expect the train door to open the opposite side compared to the previous stations. so i walked to the normal side that i saw open for the previous stations, and was wondering why the door didn't open. then i saw that the tracks were below the door, and i was like "wait, this is wrong." just then the other side doors opened. felt extremely ps about it! felt like burying my head in the ground like ostriches. so many people saw me, and there was an aura of confidence surrounding me. i wonder how i managed to keep such a straight face during that moment.

yeah, well, jianming said that there were people there to "fetch" them to the briefing area. i did see people, but they didn't stop me or whatever, so i walked straight in... and got lost -.- SP is humongous. too enormous for a small fry like me. LOL. i sorta walked to T11A, then i called jianming to ask where he was. he said something about umbrellas an walking down this step thing. in the end i just met him at the convention centre area. and you know what? THE AREA WE WERE SUPPOSED TO MEET AT WAS SOMEWHAT JUST BELOW MY FEET WHEN I WAS NEAR T11A. gosh, i walked one big round. anyway it was a good workout :D

did self-intro and played icebreakers with the other CLS campers. it felt pretty awkward at first, but i guess we all warmed up to each other. haha. saw aloysius and vanessa too. today was more like a camp preview rather than a briefing. the briefing was really short, maybe like 10 minutes? the camp chief looks just like an older version of david. i was so amused when i saw him. HAHA :D we also got to know our group and GLs. my group is cool. YAY. thank God all of us in the group managed to click with each other easily (: and yes! i made an OFFICIAL new friend today! not those where you just know their name and what they look like, but a real one! her name is phyllis, and she's in optometry. no one expected me to make any friends on briefing day, but i guess my friendly self has done it again! :D woohoo!

looking forward to camp next week! they told us to bring clothes that we CAN bear to throw away, so i expect it to be pretty hiong. haha. that makes me even more excited :D and it's overnight! like, wow.

p.s. i sorta got a tan line where my pants were cos i was sitting in the sun while we were doing icebreakers. kewl. only saw it when i was showering, and i totally O: to myself. heehee :D

2:53 AM

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
hello people. sorry for not blogging for so long. truth is, actually i'm waiting till after FO camp to blog, cos by then, at least i would have some interesting stuff to post (: otherwise in every post, i would be rattling about random things. well anyway, i DO have something to post today.

auntie doris called thi morning to say that i could have the data entry job at AIG. after i accepted it, there were many phone calls from the H dept and the temp job agency etc. i had to change to my sweet and polite way of talking. heh. well, apparently, i'm not gentle enough to be a girl, and i talk REALLY loudly (betcha didn't know that! *don't answer*). my folks say that i might have some hearing problem, but hey, my ipod volume is only like a quarter of the max ok, and i can hear much much better than some of my family members. especially when i'm home alone, that's when i switch to ninja mode and my hearing becomes way sharp :D

ok well, i learnt that it was a 6 day work week, meaning that i won't be able to go for cgm for the next 4 weeks! got kinda upset by it, so i cried a little. when i got myself organised, God told me to turn down the offer. it was like a mind war going on, cos i calculated and turns out i'll earn about 1300 bucks! so anyway, i called auntie doris and the temp job agent and declined the offer. it's scary to talk to office professionals, cos i need to think of how to phrase my sentence in proper ingrish english while not forgetting my manners.

enough of that. something funny happened today too! it all started when my brother asked if i could let him use the laptop...
didi: can i use it now?
sam: nah, take it.
*didi logs on facebook* (yes, he has a facebook account. SURPRISE SURPRISE!)
grandma: hey san shushu bought this biscuit from korea. he said it's very nice.
*grandma opens pack and pours some in a bowl*
sam: hey not bad!
grandma: bring into the room and share with didi.
sam: nah, you want?
*didi takes the whole bowl and eats on the bed while playing crazy planets*
sam: hey! you see la, you drop biscuit on the bed.
didi: no i didn't, this is biscuit CRUMBS.

i was like totally O: then i laughed to myself and thought: wow, my brother is starting to grasp this "out-talking" thing from me! i must be genius. HAHA :D it was a bittersweet feeling cos this is the first time a 9 year old kid made me speechless. gosh. kids these days are getting real smart. oh heck, i'm a kid too! :DD yippee!

3 good things about being a guy:
- you get to ogle at pretty girls.
- you don't get pms.
- urine tests for you should be easy peasy.

the radiographer at hougang polyclinic is mean D:

I CAN'T WAIT FOR SCHOOL! :DDDDDD there's flag day for SP freshmen though. oh well, lol.

p.s. i had a stiff neck since the morning, and it got worse as the day went by. i think the head rotation exercise during choir just aggravated my neck muscles.

p.p.s. i think i have amazing memory (: cos i managed to memorise word power verses 1-10 in 1 and a half hours. actually i recited all i memorised from time to time, so i think i technically took 1 hour to memorise. spent 15 minutes just now to memorise 11-13. yay me, but most importantly, thank God :D

gosh, long post.

1:33 AM

Thursday, February 11, 2010



*head rolls off, sam picks it up and pops it back in place*

ahem, ok now that i've finally cooled down.. i still can't find the right words to explain it! man, this is annoying. nevermind la, some things are better left untold. ooh, how mystical. LOL.

just want you all to know that, well, singapore ain't that big after all. won't be surprised that after a MAJOR reshuffle of workplaces and schools and all that, everyone would have known everyone else! :D it's like, we're all trapped in this complicated spider web of connections. i guess eventually i'll get used to all these amazing interlinking stuff.

till then, i shall just be super suaku about it.

this is mega awesome :D

and yes, once again i have swiped the laptop :DD

12:02 AM

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
yay, hello! :D exceptionally happy for idk what reason. LOL!
ok well, yesterday's been a pretty boring day (i use "yesterday" cos it's past 12 already). slacked for the whole day, and ate a large whipped potato from kfc that my mum dabao-ed back for me. heehee. i like whipped potato, especially when it has lots and lotsa gravy. and well, what's the difference between whipped potato and mashed potato? today i said "mashed potato", then my grandma corrected me and said "NO! it's whipped potato". then i was like "aiya, same la". haha :D

oh and huibing asked me if i was interested in helping wantian's aunt to work at a redemption counter at sun plaza. the pay's like 5 bucks an hour, and working time's 10am to 10pm. i was like "YEAH!" was pretty excited cos it's gonna be my FIRST job of the holiday (yes, i know it's pretty late). then after that, huibing said i couldn't go anymore, cos the boss said that they can't have 2 kids working together. sheesh. there goes my first job D: i was really looking forward to it. so anyway, on the bright side, huibing and i have like 8 weeks to play and find jobs. hoho.

my folks imposed this stupid "10pm computer shutdown" curfew thing on me. yeah it sucks, considering that sometimes i stay online till like 2am. this is like a 4 hour cutdown! i guess they did this cos i fell ill during the weekends due to lack of rest. i went for service on sunday though. was just recovering then, so my germs were not lingering inside me, but AROUND me. this means that i was HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS when i went for service. hopefully i didn't spread the germs to my cg :/ fiona fell ill yesterday though, heh.

i bet you're probably wondering why i'm blogging at this kinda time though i'm supposed to be banned. well, my grandma sorta hid the laptop, then when my folks were watching tv, she whispered to me "hey, the laptop is here. go and shower till mummy and daddy sleep, then come and take the laptop." wow, my grandma's really nice to me, even from young :D i love her.

it's been about 1 week since i don't have my student concession. i have spent like at least 12 bucks on travel fares.

12:49 AM